New Zealand enhances response capabilitiy

New Zealand enhances response capabilitiy

The partnership between Maritime New Zealand and DESMI dates more than 20 years. At that time DESMI supplied RO-BOOM1500 and Weir Skimmers into New Zealand for their National Oil Spill Response, all of this equipment is still in good operational condition.

A few years ago Maritime New Zealand took delivery of two SpeedSweep1500 systems to enhance their response capability with the latest fast water technology. The SpeedSweep1500 systems are based on the well known RO-BOOM1500 which Maritime New Zealand have in their stockpile and this boom is 100% compatible with the SpeedSweep system as guide boom or large sweeping system.

The two SpeedSweep1500 systems was deployed in the port of Auckland and exercised in the waters around the port to demonstrate the capability of the system and ease of use. The SpeedSweep system performed very well and gives Maritime New Zealand the capability to fight oil spill in fast water and have an active sweeping system with a 3 knots capability.


Mr. Scott Read of Maritime New Zealand explained "The choice of the SpeedSweep was due to the fast water conditions we experience in many of our ports and harbours. The SpeedSweep system offers us flexibility. It can be used as a stand alone system or, as it is compatible with our existing stock of RO-BOOM1500, these can be used as guide booms. We already own a number of Ro-Boom systems so this equipment is very familiar to our response teams and very little additional training will be required. The Maritime New Zealand Dynamic in-line RO-Skim can be integrated in the SpeedSweep enabling the SpeedSweep to collect and skim oil in one operation. The SpeedSweep can also be deployed as a single vessel system using the RO-Kite that has been designed for the SpeedSweep System.
Having all these components from one manufacturer ensures high flexibility for all components."

Maritime New Zealand recently upgraded their skimmers to the latest brush technology with the DESMI HELIX Skimmers. DESMI HELIX Skimmers was used in the RENA Spill in 2011 by the Salvage Team.


Adding these 2 sets SpeedSweep1500 systems to their existing equipment, Maritime New Zealand have significantly upgraded their capability in the region with the best technology available.


DESMI is proud to support Maritime New Zealand in their continuous strive to upgrade and enhance the National Oil Spill Response Capability to be the most efficient in the Pacific.

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